Together we will stand united!

We never thought this would happen in all our years in Style but for the health of our family, staff and customers we have decided to close all 4 stores and our Stitch and Style alterations shop.

We know we have a lot of customers over all Ireland and United Kingdom who are very vulnerable due to their age and possible underlying conditions so we please urge you to self-insolate!

We understand that this is a very difficult time for many people and what a big impact it will have on our mental health so please do call us on 02882247808 if you do need a listening ear. The shop phone goes straight to Kate, Alice and Daniel's house so it's luck of the draw who you'll get. Kate will be at home and always loves chatting to her customers, Daniel will be free to do deliveries and I will be looking after Grace who will more than likely run to get the phone 📞 herself!

We want our customers to know no matter where in the world you are we are here for you. We want to help and do whatever we can to help! 💗

Our website is still open 🖥. The website address is Delivery times could vary over this next while but please bare with us!

We will all work together and get through this together. Together we will stand united! We can do this!

Lots of love to all our customers. Thank you for your support over the years and we want you to know we are here to support you!

Kathleen, Charlie, Daniel, Alice and all our staff! xoxo


  • Matt

    Hi Kathleen and Family,

    This may sound strange but I needed to let you know that I have watched your videos over the past year and I can’t tell you how helpful it has been. Isolating from family and friends dramatically reduces how many people we can talk too so in a way watching you all has kept me going more than you will ever know. This may sound very odd coming from a middle aged man I know and clearly the clothes aren’t for me but even just hearing someone talk helps a great deal so thank you so so much.

    Lastly, I was so very sorry to hear of your Charlie’s sudden passing. It must’ve been so hard for you all. Blessings and wishes to you all.

    Matt, Cumbria, England. UK.

  • Jo

    Thank you for my lovely top which arrived today. You have a great selection!

  • Janice Ferguson

    Left message above about Ella boo dress reduced to 114.98 was wanting to order but enquired about fit of dress thanks

  • Janice Ferguson

    Hi was wondering if you could let me know what the fitting is like on the Ella Boo dress coral patterned top black patterned bottom it is reduced to £114 also does it have a belt looking for a size 12 Thanks

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