Contact our Donegal Store on:

  • Donegal Chic - 00447732632255
  • Donegal Landline 00353749740788
  • Donegal Text Number 00353860671603

Style Chic Donegal was opened by Charlie and Kathleen in March 2010 which is a sister shop of Style Omagh. It provides the same high level of customer service to the people of Donegal. It is situated in the heart of Donegal Town close to near-buy hotels such as the Central and Abbey Hotels.

Whether you’re looking for something understated or daringly different, with Style Chic Donegal’s extensive range of designer collections, you are sure to find a style that not only suits your taste but fits the occasion too.Also you will find we have a fabulous selection of Jewellery and Accessories out in Harveys Point as the Mc Donnell’s have a close connection to the Geisling family.


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